Chair Duties
Event Chairs help coordinate volunteers and record hours.
Chairs are vital to volunteer events.
They help coordinate volunteers, record hours, and make sure the event goes smoothly.
Please read the responsibilities of chairs below:
Remind all volunteers that have signed up at least a day before the event to wear either a Key Club shirt or a purple shirt for the event. This can be done by creating a group chat on Remind.
Take Attendance at the event. This can be done by creating a Time In/Out sheet and placing the sheet on a desk at the event. Volunteers would sign in and sign out.
Once the event has concluded, the sheet or a picture of the sheet must be sent to the Vice President (
Take some pictures and send it to the webmaster ( or to the Instagram to post! (optional)
After the event, make sure the event hours sheet is complete and submit it to the vice president promptly.
Chairs receive an extra 1 hour for their event.